I had lunch with a coworker today who hadn't previously heard about all my diet fun. (Had my greek salad pita again - yum!) She said it sounded like I was getting into a groove with the eating. It was an interesting way to think about it that hadn't really occurred to me before. I think she's right about the food, although I still find myself getting depressed or anxious about various things, and it makes me want to throw in the towel. Well, I guess that's not quite right. I'm feeling anxious right this minute, but I'm not sure why. Part of me feels like giving up, but there's a bigger part of me that knows that's not even an option. Maybe that's what she means by getting into a groove. It's becoming far less of an option to give up than it is to keep going. (I did allow myself my occasional indulgence tonight of a small square of very dark Ghiradelli chocolate though.)
Unfortunately, I'm clearly not in a groove yet on the exercising. I'm having trouble
You need to fill your ipod with cool music or books on tape, or podcasts, that makes walking less boring.